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Future of MRO Category Management

With a huge decentralized customer base and millions of products, services, and transactions, we always come across MRO category management. It has a high opportunity for cost savings. Implementing a trustworthy plan to manage MRO categories brings a bright future and is feasible by including all key stakeholders in the supply chain operations.

Future of MRO Category Management

If category managers proactively list vendors assigned to each category and pick out good opportunities as mentioned above, find out alternate vendors, fill gaps within each category and ensure exact category data is assigned into ERP, CMMS / EAM systems then an organization stands strongly and gets mastery over current MRO requirements from both a qualitative and quantitative stance. The future of MRO category management may be seen in terms of the following multiple benefits, such as

Better inputs for accountability where the production line stops dead because you are out of stock of an MRO item. Manage suppliers within the categories to manage profitability, supplier performance and effective risk management.

Obtains a possible substitute business continuity plan by identifying supply chain gaps caused by unforeseen scenarios such as pandemics, natural disasters and others.

Proven contract negotiation skills for better pricing options with additional discounts for repeat purchases. Ever lasting relationship with vendors to focus on metrics that create hindrances in implementing an efficient vendor development plan.

Usually, the procurement team is responsible for MRO struggle to gain control over changing costs, product non-standardization, and site-level agreement. Being a premium leader in the MRO industry, category management experts at IndustryKart can help your Procurement and Sourcing teams overcome these elements. Speak to our Category Management solution professionals and execute the best category management structure customised to your industry.

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